
Make it Mentionable

sticky quotes & peanut butter

Published 12 months ago • 3 min read

3 Quotes That Stick More Than Peanut Butter in a Dog's Mouth

Pre-P.S. You're reading day 15 of my 32 days of insights, inspiration, and instigation. (Very informal title). Get the full scoop here. ✨

Growing up, one of my favorite sandwiches wasn't peanut butter and jelly; it was peanut butter and marshmallow fluff.

Have you ever had one?

Speaking of things that go together, inspirational quotes and Instagram go together like peanut butter and fluff.

As in, there's a lot of fluff.

So today, I thought I'd share three of my favorite quotes--all peanut butter, no fluff.

These three quotes have stuck with me since I was eight years old.


"Some people come into our lives and quietly go, others leave footprints on our hearts, and we're never the same again."

-The sign in my bathroom growing up

Some people scroll Instagram while visiting the bathroom; other people read magazines. From 8-18, my bathroom reading material was this quote. Printed on creamy off-white paper and housed in a gold frame, this quote sat on a shelf directly opposite the toilet in our house growing up.

I'll never forget it, though (partly because of how many times I've read it and partly because of what it's come to mean to me).

It reminds me that people come in and out of our lives all the time, and it's okay. We tend to cling to people like lint to black shirts, but sometimes it's in our best interest to let people go, and it doesn't mean the relationship failed or didn't serve a purpose.

Some people come in and go out unnoticed, others linger and leave a mark.

When people leave, it doesn't mean what they meant to us for that period has to be washed away.


"Tell the negative committee that meets in your head to sit down and shut up."

-A quote book gifted to me by my dad

I have no idea who said this. I remember first reading it in a book of quotes with a white and baby blue cover that my dad brought home for me one day.

​This quote has been such a gem in my life. I loved it so much in high school that it was on my MySpace profile.

It's always brought up images like Pixar's Inside Out, where a committee has meetings in our minds all day, and they can shape our perception. If we don't check in and supervise, that meeting can get off track real quick, and it's our job to bring it back to what best serves us.


"The answer is always no if you don't ask."

-My mom

She may have heard this somewhere else, but in my mind, it'll always be attributed to her. Whenever I want to avoid asking for something, this quote pops into my mind in her voice.

It's also one of the best quotes for relationships because it's a reminder that we have to actually express our needs if we want them to be met. Our spouses/partners/significant others can't mind read. Life is easier when we don't expect them to.

Then, there's the quote that became sticky enough for me to create an entire brand around it, and it's this one by Mister Rogers.

"Anything that is human can be mentioned and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable."

-Mister Rogers

I've shortened it to, "Whatever we can mention, we can manage," hoping it becomes as sticky as the peanut butter in your dog's mouth.


P.S. What's your favorite quote?

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1401 Lavaca St #674, Austin, TX 78701

Make it Mentionable

Alyssa Kulesa

A punchy and practical column exploring self-awareness, relationships, and the subconscious dynamics secretly running our lives because what you can mention, you can manage. Written by status-quo avoidant writer, communication nerd, and master life coach Alyssa Patmos (soon-to-be Alyssa Kulesa).

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